ISM Maritime for Success, Trust and Quality


Everyone in the maritime industry knows how important a role security plays in the smooth operation of modern ships and the place of ISM/ISPS codes in this system. It ensures that what needs to be done regarding the environment within the scope of MARPOL rules is implemented in the best way within the ISM system.

Our company works best in the ships we operate; It is ensured that protective measures are taken along with the necessary documents and documentation, training and drills in accordance with ISM, ISPS and MLC Conventions, and all practices required to protect the environment and reduce pollution risks in accordance with Marpol rules



Measures to prevent terrorist acts that may occur by sea were added to Solas 74 chapter 11 with the accepted amendments (11-1) and additions (11-2) as the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS) and entered into force on 01 July 2004 for all contracts. accepted by the states. In this context, our Company ensures that ISPS rules are implemented in the best way on our ships and provides the necessary training and documentation.

As ISM/ISPS managers we have assumed responsibility for operating of our ships. This means to ensure safety, to prevent human injury or loss of life, and to avoid damage to the environment, in particular, the marine environment, and to property. We have established and implemented a policy for achieving these objectives. This includes providing the necessary resources and shore-based support. ISM/ISPS Department of the Company is headed by our highly skilled and qualified Technical Director/DPA (“Designated Person Ashore”) and experienced Deputy DPA - Company Security Officer (CSO), which are providing 24-hours monitoring of our ships and their crews.

A matter of special attention for our ISM/ISPS Department is the situation with piracy in the Gulf of Aden and neighbouring waters. Due to specific requirements of our ship’s employment our vessels are quite often forced to pass “dangerous areas” that require extraordinary ship security and anti-piracy services including escort of vessel with armed security team on board. The lives of our personnel aboard ships are our highest priority, that is why despite the fact that all our vessels transit dangerous areas via the Maritime Security Patrol Area (“MSPA”) in the Gulf of Aden we take on board an armed security team during each transit in order to avoid as much as possible the risk of hijacking.

We are provide ISM,ISPS system and documentation arragements, ship certification control and arragements, vessel crew training and education arragements, vessel ISM,ISPS internal and external audit arragements, ISM,ISPS arragements, inspection and reporting, vessel flag and class survey arragements, office audits and inspections arragements.


MLC 2006 deals with a wide range of issues including seafarers' employment contracts and maritime companies' obligations under these contracts, working hours, health and safety, living spaces, subsistence standards and seafarers' welfare. For this reason, our company provides the best way possible by getting the support of the shipowner to establish the necessary standards in accordance with the MLC convention on ships. It provides the necessary supervision and support for ship personnel to implement these standards.


The Operational aspect of commercial management is a crucial part of the equation. This is the area where money can be saved or lost and a voyage can be made more or less profitable. Our experienced ship operators ensure the safe and efficient handling of all the ships and the smooth execution of all voyages.

We are in constant communication with our competent ship’s Masters as well as with charterers, brokers, port agents and bunker suppliers.

Our operators are fully aware of the vital importance from a commercial viewpoint of the effect their work will have in the context of the competitive environment within which shipping operates and as such there is constant liaison with the commercial department to ensure that any/all possible problematic situations which may arise are dealt with promptly and efficiently. Calculations, controls & accounting It is hard to imagine that modern model of commercial management could exist without comprehensive system of such tools as voyage estimating and accounting, actual voyage results calculations, full load calculation, advising shortest routes for the vessel, calculation of hire, freights, demurrage and despatch monies from or due to the charterers of the Vessel, accounts control, performance analyses in the form of time charter equivalent for any period required. All above tasks, which we carry out with assistance of up-to-date marine IT solutions, ship management and accounting software, are vital to the profitability of shipping business.